We had 27 people attend our July 18th, 2015 Meeting. Our main event for the meeting was the Post Apocalyptic Contest. Here are pictures of the entries:
CactusBrick Meeting (July 18, 2015) – Post Apocalyptic Winner (Vehicle Category) – Created by Tom
CactusBrick Meeting (July 18, 2015) – Post Apocalyptic Winner (Building/Landscape Category) – Created by Nate
CactusBrick Meeting (July 18, 2015) – Post Apocalyptic Entries
CactusBrick Meeting (July 18, 2015) – Post Apocalyptic Entries
CactusBrick Meeting (July 18, 2015) – Post Apocalyptic Entries
CactusBrick Meeting (July 18, 2015) – Post Apocalyptic Entries
And the winner of the Building/Landscape Category is:
We had 26 people attend our June 20th, 2015 Meeting. We did some long range planning on our next themed display. It seemed to come down to post-apocalyptic and pirates as a backup. We also decided on having a contest held at the next meeting for best post-apocalyptic themed MOC. Here are some pictures of what people brought in:
CactusBrick Meeting (Jun 20, 2015) – Nate’s track module using MILS as a base to the track.
CactusBrick Meeting (Jun 20, 2015) – WIP for the store display
CactusBrick Meeting (Jun 20, 2015) – some space
CactusBrick Meeting (Jun 20, 2015) – Some more air and space
CactusBrick Meeting (Jun 20, 2015) – Some air and space