Cactus Brick to Display at the FIRST LEGO League Arizona State Championship

Come and see our display at the FLL Arizona State Championship at Memorial Union Hall on the campus of Arizona State University on December 11, 2010. We will be there during the competition hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The public is invited to come from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. We will have a small train layout, Hoth battle scene and other assorted models.

To learn more about the FIRST LEGO League and the event you may visit the Arizona FLL page.

Big Bubbles, No Troubles

Orion Pax takes a break from graffiti and shows us all how to properly use those Bionicle Balls …or Bionoballs in his nearly 100% LEGO creation.  He used non-LEGO to create the glass, but I think his indiscretion should be forgiven due to the sheer coolness of this.

I’d also add that I am a little upset about this one too.  Just last week, I was standing in the lobby of a Chinese restaurant waiting for my food and began noticing the candy machines and thought about how cool it would be to LEGOize one.  I hate being beat to the punch, but (again) I’ll let it slide.   …just this once.

I Had A Horrible Nightmare…

…but now I am safe and sound now. Back on the good old 27th floor.

That butthead, Ochre Jelly (Iain Heath) helps celebrate the 25th anniversary of Back to the Future with this  iconic and lovely, action-packed scene from the second installment of the series.   Its no secret that Iain is one of my favorite builders, and this vignette is a perfect example of why.  Along with capturing the mood and motion from the movie, he also just built a scene from BTTF II… this build just oozes awesome.  I tell you what, this thing is better than a screen door on a battleship!

Dark Orange

A testimonial to why Dark Orange is such an awesome color, and yet, why is it seemingly impossible to obtain in large quantities (LUGs are an exception)? Take this as a hint, LEGO. People want this color, and it can do wonders for a model.

It’s far too expensive on Bricklink and Pick a Brick does not even offer it. I understand that it might be a bit more expensive to produce such a color (especially just for adults), but wouldn’t it be more applicable to everyday models (sand/dirt, buildings, roads, terrain, etc.) compared to say, Bright Blue or Bright Yellowish Green? –

Just Turned 13

The work of art come from a just turned 13 year old girl, Fliker name Littlehaulic’s. Great way to crash into the TFOL scene.
Looks like Dave has some competition.

Love the fireplace

Badges? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Badges!

There has been quite a bit of recent debate about who and what a CactusBrick member is.  As we define who and what we are collectively, we need to put forward a common identity.  With tomorrow’s show fast approaching, I figured that there was no better time than the present to get started.

With some feedback from my legal team (Nate), I designed a membership card for 2010-2011.  During the early morning hours, I emailed the graphics to our friend Tom, who graciously donated a bit of cash to print the cards and purchased the needed card holders so they can fit onto a lanyard.

I have eight badges ready and I will bring them to the museum in the morning.  I will give them first to the people who are displaying at the show on a first come, first serve basis.  I look forward to seeing you guys in the morning.

Labor Day Junk Mecha

Big Blue

Originally uploaded by -infomaniac-

Flickr member -infomanic- celebrates his day off with this hulking junk mecha for a contest on Mecha Hub. The contrast of the bulky torso and lanky arms is interesting, as well as the incorporation of various Bionicle parts. The shoulder made out of hinges is noteworthy as well. Also impressive is that it fits a minifigue rather comfortably.