Cactus Brick April 2023 Meeting

We held our April 2023 Meeting on April 15th.  We had 23 people attend the meeting.  Here’s a few pictures from the meeting.

Bricks by the Bay 2022

Four of our club members (and 2 spouses) went to a Lego convention in Santa Clara, California called Bricks by the Bay. There were about 300 AFOLs (Adults Fan of Lego) attending and a little more than 3000 visitors on the public days.  We put together a 12.5′ x 25′ large City and Train layout. We won the Best Large Team Large Display award and a Pop Culture award for “Looking to Pop Back” for Jennifer’s Muppet theater.  Here are some pictures of that display:

2022 Tucson Comic-Con

Tucson Comic-Con was a smaller display for us, but we put as much as we could in the space we had.  Our main parts of the display was Castle and then on the side some Star Wars, DC and even the Expanse with Rocinante.  This was on display from Sept. 2nd to 4th, 2022.

Tucson Comic-Con 2022 – The Rocinante from the Expanse. Built by Russ and Ian

Build Event at June 2022 Meeting

We participated in the Lego Group’s 90th year anniversary celebration.  Here’s the result of our club members builds (Special thanks goes to JC for the idea).  This is using only 2×4 Brick.

90th anniversary build at our June 2022 meeting

2022 Phoenix Fan Fusion

Phoenix Fan Fusion 2022 display was a large display.  It included city, Jurassic area, castle and a miscellaneous area.

Here’s some pictures showing our display:

Here’s a video of us setting up the display (at 1000x speed up):

2022 March Southwest Makerfest

Cactus Brick was at Southwest Makerfest in March 2022.  We had a community build Mosaic, Arduino based train controller on display, a Lego based spirograph and a couple remote controlled Lego cars.

Tempe Library FanCon 2022

We had a small display at the Tempe Library for FanCon on Jan 29, 2022. This is a small outdoor display. 

Here’s a few pictures of our display:

Pirate Contest (Jan 2022)

At our January Meeting, we had a pirate contest.  We had 4 entries into the contest.  Here are the top 3 winners of the contest:

Tucson Toy Train Show 2021

We had a small train display at the Tucson Toy Train Show on Nov 13, 2021.  We showed our Tatooine display again, although we had to shrink it a bit due to the smaller area we had and we had one of our club members bring some very detailed trains.