Phoenix Fan Fusion 2019 Display

We had a large area at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2019 (May 23rd – May 26th). The city/train layout was 12.5′ x 25′ and another similar sized area that included a moon base, misc models and lots of Star Wars. Here’s a bunch of pictures from the event:

The Lego Movie 2 Promo Display – Jan 2019

We had a Lego Movie 2 display at Tempe Marketplace to help promote the movie in Jan 2019. Our display was open to the public for 3 weekends from Jan 25th to Feb 10th, 2019. Here are some pictures from that event:

2018 Christmas Display – Desert Ridge Marketplace

We have a large display at Desert Ridge Marketplace. It will be open on weekends from Black Friday to December 16th. We are across from American Eagle Outfitters. We are open on Fridays from 6PM to 9PM, Saturdays from 11AM to 8PM and Sundays from Noon to 6PM. We have special hours on Black Friday from 11AM to 9PM. Admission is free and we have a large Mosaic build as well as a modular castle that people can build. There is a large Winter Village as well as a large City and train display. We’ve added a brand new Under the Sea section as well as a 1920’s city section in honor of a couple new movies.

2018 Nov Desert Ridge Marketplace – flyer

Tucson Toy Train Show – Nov 2018

We were at the Tucson Toy Train Show on Nov 9th and 10th. Our display was (for us) a mid sized display. It was 15′ x 20′ in size and had 3 different tracks with plenty of spurs for parking tranis. There weren’t very large crowds, but there was a steady stream of people coming by our display. Here are some pictures of our display.

Bricks by the Bay 2018 – Bay Area Lego Convention

Five Cactus Brick club members went to Bricks by the Bay which is a Lego Convention in the Bay Area. We put together a 25′ x 12.5′ city/train layout which included the City, Farm, Bay of Arizona and a Western Town (as well as trains). Here’s a few pictures from it:

Phoenix Comic Fest 2018 – Photos

Here are some more pictures of our display at Phoenix Comic Fest 2018: