We will have a display in Desert Ridge Marketplace (Tatum & 101) from Oct 23 to Nov 29.
September 19th, 2015 Meeting
We had 31 people attend our September 19th, 2015 Meeting. Our main event for the meeting was the Batman vs Superman contest with 2 catagories (vehicles and buildings). We also had a few of the Winter Village models brought in for this year’s Winter Village that we’ll have at several of our display. Here are the pictures of the non-contest things:
Our contest entries:
August 15th, 2015 Meeting
We had 29 people attend our August 15th, 2015 Meeting. Our main event for the meeting was a winter set building contest thanks to TLG. Here are pictures of the entries:
Leprecon – June 2015
We had a small city/train display at Leprecon (June 2015). Here’s a few pictures of our display:
June 20th, 2015 Meeting
We had 26 people attend our June 20th, 2015 Meeting. We did some long range planning on our next themed display. It seemed to come down to post-apocalyptic and pirates as a backup. We also decided on having a contest held at the next meeting for best post-apocalyptic themed MOC. Here are some pictures of what people brought in:
Phx Comicon 2015
We had a large display at Phoenix Comicon 2015. We had a large Castle display, a large City/train layout and a lot of Star Wars Sets on display.
Here’s a few links to pictures of Phx Comicon and our display:
Corey’s flickr pictures
Nate’s flickr pictures
Here’s a few pictures of our display:
CactusBrick display at McCormick-Stillman Railroad Park
We have a display at the McCormick-Stillman railroad park (in the model railroad building). We just updated it this weekend with a new layout with a Farm theme. The Park and access to the model railroad building is free (the rides have a fee).
May 16th, 2015 Meeting
We had 25 people attend our May 16th, 2015 Meeting. We mostly planned for the Phx Comicon show which was only a couple weeks away. Here are some pictures of what people brought in:
Mom Expo – May 2, 2015
We had a small display at the Mom Expo in Mesa on May 2nd, 2015. Here are a few pictures from that event:
idea Museum Display – April 25, 2015
We had a small city/train layout and a misc table at the idea Museum in Mesa on April 25, 2015. Here are some pictures of the event: