We will have a display in Desert Ridge Marketplace (Tatum & 101) from Oct 23 to Nov 29.

We had 31 people attend our September 19th, 2015 Meeting. Our main event for the meeting was the Batman vs Superman contest with 2 catagories (vehicles and buildings). We also had a few of the Winter Village models brought in for this year’s Winter Village that we’ll have at several of our display. Here are the pictures of the non-contest things:
Our contest entries:
We had 29 people attend our August 15th, 2015 Meeting. Our main event for the meeting was a winter set building contest thanks to TLG. Here are pictures of the entries:
We had a small city/train display at Leprecon (June 2015). Here’s a few pictures of our display:
We had 26 people attend our June 20th, 2015 Meeting. We did some long range planning on our next themed display. It seemed to come down to post-apocalyptic and pirates as a backup. We also decided on having a contest held at the next meeting for best post-apocalyptic themed MOC. Here are some pictures of what people brought in:
We had a large display at Phoenix Comicon 2015. We had a large Castle display, a large City/train layout and a lot of Star Wars Sets on display.
Here’s a few links to pictures of Phx Comicon and our display:
Corey’s flickr pictures
Nate’s flickr pictures
Here’s a few pictures of our display:
We have a display at the McCormick-Stillman railroad park (in the model railroad building). We just updated it this weekend with a new layout with a Farm theme. The Park and access to the model railroad building is free (the rides have a fee).
We had 25 people attend our May 16th, 2015 Meeting. We mostly planned for the Phx Comicon show which was only a couple weeks away. Here are some pictures of what people brought in:
We had a small display at the Mom Expo in Mesa on May 2nd, 2015. Here are a few pictures from that event:
We had a small city/train layout and a misc table at the idea Museum in Mesa on April 25, 2015. Here are some pictures of the event: