We had 15 people attend our October 19th, 2013 meeting. We had a show and tell with 5 club members talking about how they do their building.
September 2013 Meeting
We had 16 people attend our September 21st, 2013 meeting. We held the Medieval contest with a 1st place prize of a Lego set. Here are pictures of the non contest items people brought in:
The contest entries were:
The winner was Corey’s Micro Castle Middleham with Motley’s Python and the Holy Grail and Nate’s The Battle tied for a very close second.

Scottsdale Historical Museum Display – Sept/Oct 2013
We have a display at the Scottsdale Historical Museum (7333 E Scottsdale Mall, Scottsdale, AZ) during September and October 2013. The contributors of the display were Corey, Stephanie, GenYus, Nate and Joe. Here’s some pictures of the display:
CactusBrick Display at North Valley Regional Library – Aug 2013
We also have a display at the North Valley Regional Library in August 2013. Joe was the organizer and biggest contributor to the display. Here’s the pictures of it:
Tempe History Museum July 31, 2013 Display
We were at the Tempe History Museum’s Wild Wednesday on July 31st, 2013. The Lego play area was a great success.
Phoenix Comicon 2013 Display
We were at Phoenix Comicon 2013. We were in the Exhibitor hall next to the 501st Stormtrooper area. About 18 club members helped with our display. We had a city/train layout, a microcity and various models on display. Everything was extremely well received. There was a lot of interested and we are expecting a few new club members. We also hosted a Lego Panel on how to start building custom Lego models as well as two build offs (one was 12 and under and the other was open to all ages). Both build offs went off better than expected. I’d like to thank Joe, Tom and Londa for donating additional small prizes so we were able to give out additional prizes to the kids.
Tom’s Flashy Video
Corey’s Flickr Set
Tom and Londa’s Photos of Setup
Tom and Londa’s Photos from Sunday
Tom and Londa’s Photos of the Kids Build off

Big Bubbles, No Troubles
Orion Pax takes a break from graffiti and shows us all how to properly use those Bionicle Balls …or Bionoballs in his nearly 100% LEGO creation. He used non-LEGO to create the glass, but I think his indiscretion should be forgiven due to the sheer coolness of this.
I’d also add that I am a little upset about this one too. Just last week, I was standing in the lobby of a Chinese restaurant waiting for my food and began noticing the candy machines and thought about how cool it would be to LEGOize one. I hate being beat to the punch, but (again) I’ll let it slide. …just this once.
I Had A Horrible Nightmare…
…but now I am safe and sound now. Back on the good old 27th floor.
That butthead, Ochre Jelly (Iain Heath) helps celebrate the 25th anniversary of Back to the Future with this iconic and lovely, action-packed scene from the second installment of the series. Its no secret that Iain is one of my favorite builders, and this vignette is a perfect example of why. Along with capturing the mood and motion from the movie, he also just built a scene from BTTF II… this build just oozes awesome. I tell you what, this thing is better than a screen door on a battleship!
Down the Rabbit Hole
Brittney (Brick Britt) nicely captures a sense of urgency and disappointment in the face and posture of this instantly recognizable character. I can’t say that I understand how the eyeglasses are attached, but I can say that she hit that nail square on the head.
Draft Set: July 2010
The people have spoken! July’s draft set will be 8897 Jagged Jaws Reef. This looks like it will be an incredible draft set, you have trophies, 1×3 tiles, sharks, good minifigs and really cool sticker sets. Check out the complete inventory on BrickLink.