We had 16 people attend our September 21st, 2013 meeting. We held the Medieval contest with a 1st place prize of a Lego set. Here are pictures of the non contest items people brought in:
A micro scale Island created by John
Lawrence’s Minifig scale buildings based on some buildings in Vegas
The back view of one of Lawrence’s buildings
The contest entries were:
Motley’s Python and the Holy Grail
Nate’s The Battle
Corey’s Micro Castle Middleham
Rod’s The Point
Tim’s The Tower
Nate’s Bad Day at the Office
GenYus’ Boomerang Knight
The winner was Corey’s Micro Castle Middleham with Motley’s Python and the Holy Grail and Nate’s The Battle tied for a very close second.
We had 13 people attend our August 17th meeting. We had a contest (theme was anything) with a Lego set as the prize. Here are some of the non contest pictures:
We had 12 people attend our July 20 meeting. It was a slow month due to vacations so most of our events (like the upcoming contest) skipped over July. However, here’s some pictures of what people brought in:
We had 20 people attend our June 15th, 2013 Meeting. Our main topic was to discuss our upcoming contests and internal auction as well as show off what we’re working on. Here’s some pictures of what people brought in:
We had 19 people at our February 16th, 2013 meeting.
We discussed the upcoming Tempe History Museum show which is now on March 16th (Sat 10AM – 6PM) & March 17th (Sun 1PM – 5PM). This is the same weekend as our meeting so our next month’s meeting will be at the Tempe History Museum.
We agreed to also do a display at Scottsdale’s “Little Red Schoolhouse” for September (and probably beyond). This is in Scottsdale’s old town area.
We also were planning out the comicon layout. Nate will send out layout ideas later.
And, we had the minifig scale (modified CC standard) contest. (see below)
Randy’s trucks
Children’s build area idea
Clark’s little red something or other
Christian’s batmobile
Michael’s lamp
New Chris’s train
Joe’s bridge (and table heights)
Rod’s batmobile
Randy’s Ambulance
Here’s the contest entries:
The contest entries
Tim’s contest entry
Dave Shaddix’s winning contest entry
Clark’s contest entry
Christian’s contest entry
Corey’s contest entry
And the winner is Dave Shaddix’s gas station: Dave Shaddix’s winning contest entry Dave Shaddix’s Winning contest entry (Interior)
We had a record attendance of 21 people at our January 19th, 2013 meeting. Our club officers for 2013 are once again:
President: Nate
Secretary: Corey
Treasurer: Clark
We discussed the upcoming shows at Tempe History Museum (March 16th & 17th) and the Phx Comicon (Memorial day weekend).
We also had the micro city contest. Here’s some pictures from that as well as some pictures of other things people brought in:
The micro contest had a clear winner in the large module category and a tie in the small category. The winner in the large module category was made by Joe. The small module winners were GenYus and Clark. Here’s the winners:
We had 14 people attend our December 15th 2012 meeting. We were a bit distracted by the dirty brickster we planned for the meeting. However, we had a few things brought in:
The melted Lego was in the Arizona sun for a few weeks under plexiglass. The micro contest was also announced (see the post before this).