We had our February 2025 Meeting. We had 28 people attend the meeting. Everyone is welcome, this site has the address and it’s always 3rd Saturday from 1:30PM to 4:30PM.
Here are some pictures of things people brought in:

We had our February 2025 Meeting. We had 28 people attend the meeting. Everyone is welcome, this site has the address and it’s always 3rd Saturday from 1:30PM to 4:30PM.
Here are some pictures of things people brought in:
We had a great display at Fan Fusion 2024. We had a 39′ x 40′ area that was broken down into 4 sections. Our themed display this year was Western (25′ x 7.5′). We also had a Pod Racing scene on Tatooine. And our normal City/Train layout with a new parade scene, a zoo and a movie studio scene as well as a huge crane. Here are some pictures of the event:
The following image shows the plans that we used for the layout.
Cactus Brick had a display at Tempe Fan Con on January 27, 2024. It was a mid sized display with Western Themed area and a Pop Culture miscellaneous section.
We held our January 2024 Meeting on Jan 20th. Our main topic was our annual business meeting and future events we are planning. Our club members brought in various Lego projects they are working on.
Cactus Brick had a mid-sized display at Bricks & Minifigs in Chandler on Dec 17th, 2023. Here are a few pictures from the display.
Cactus Brick had a club meeting on Dec. 16, 2023. Our main event was a Dirty Brickster which everyone had loads of fun. Also, a few of our club members brought Lego items in that they’ve been working on.
Cactus Brick held it’s November meeting on Nov. 18, 2023. Several of our club members brought their Lego projects in.
We had a medium sized display on 10/28/23 at Bricks & Minifigs in Central Phoenix. The theme was Halloween and we had a 5′ x 7.5′ display. Here are some pictures from it:
We Held our October 2023 Meeting on 10/21/23. Our main event was a contest to place the most Lego pieces into a large Pick-a-brick cup. Del won the contest with over 500 pieces in his. We were also preparing for a Halloween display the following weekend. Here are some pictures of what club members brought in:
We held our September 2023 Meeting on 9/16/23. Our main event for the meeting was a Western Theme Contest. Here are some pictures of that plus a picture of something someone brought it.