August 2013 Meeting

We had 13 people attend our August 17th meeting. We had a contest (theme was anything) with a Lego set as the prize. Here are some of the non contest pictures:

The contest entries were:

And the Contest Winner was:

Kevin's Squidangelo's David
Kevin’s Squidangelo’s David


July 2013 Meeting

We had 12 people attend our July 20 meeting. It was a slow month due to vacations so most of our events (like the upcoming contest) skipped over July. However, here’s some pictures of what people brought in:

June 2013 Meeting

We had 20 people attend our June 15th, 2013 Meeting. Our main topic was to discuss our upcoming contests and internal auction as well as show off what we’re working on. Here’s some pictures of what people brought in:

Phoenix Comicon 2013 Display

We were at Phoenix Comicon 2013. We were in the Exhibitor hall next to the 501st Stormtrooper area. About 18 club members helped with our display. We had a city/train layout, a microcity and various models on display. Everything was extremely well received. There was a lot of interested and we are expecting a few new club members. We also hosted a Lego Panel on how to start building custom Lego models as well as two build offs (one was 12 and under and the other was open to all ages). Both build offs went off better than expected. I’d like to thank Joe, Tom and Londa for donating additional small prizes so we were able to give out additional prizes to the kids.

Tom’s Flashy Video
Corey’s Flickr Set
Tom and Londa’s Photos of Setup
Tom and Londa’s Photos from Sunday
Tom and Londa’s Photos of the Kids Build off

Comicon 2013 Break Down
And the lights go out

May 2013 Meeting

At our May 2013 Meeting, we mostly planned for the Phx Comicon display that was the following week.

We were also a bit distracted sorting through this:

A lot of bricks
A lot of bricks

April 2013 Meeting

We had 15 people attend our April 2013 Meeting. Our main topic for the meeting was to help plan our PHX Comicon layout and display.

Here’s some pictures of what people brought in:

Tempe History Museum Show Pictures – March 2013

Our Tempe History Museum Show (March 16 and 17, 2013) has been great. The flyers that we created helped attract quite a few people. The museum estimated that 150 people came out because of us. They had a live band on Saturday that also attracted a few hundred people. So, we had quite a few people coming through during the two days. Here’s the pictures from it:

Lego Arizona theme contest – March 16, 2013

Rules for the March 2013 CactusBrick contest – Lego Arizona theme

Sponsored by:

Desert Bricks
Joshua Colson
Corey’s Bricks

1) Must be a new MOC (one that has not been shown before)
2) Must be something that screams ARIZONA (or at least well know)
3) It can be a building (any scale), a map (ok, that’s been done), a diorama, or
anything that Arizona is well know for. (please only politically correct items)
4) The MOC must be present at the Tempe History Museum show (Mar 16 & 17, 2013)
5) There is no limit on how many MOCs each person can submit
6) The submitter of the MOCs need not be present

Voting rules:
1) There will be 2 different votes with half of the prize going to each.
2) There will be a vote by Cactusbrick enthusiasts (all of us)
3) There will be a second vote by the public.
4) Each eligible voter has 1 vote
5) Cactusbrick enthusiasts (us) can not vote in the public vote.
6) The Cactusbrick vote will happen on Saturday afternoon and the winner will be
marked as “Club Favorite” unless someone else comes up with a better term.
7) The public vote will be collected all Saturday and early Sunday with the
final count happening at 3PM Sunday.

1) The cash prize for each of the 1st place winners will be at least $15.
2) The same MOC is eligible to win in both votes.
3) In the event of a tie, the money is split between the winners
4) Existing MOCs that have been shown are not eligible

We had 2 MOCs entered into the contest.

The winner is Joe’s A Mountain.

Tempe History Museum Show – March 16th and 17th

Next month we will have a show at the Tempe History Museum (809 E. Southern Ave., Tempe AZ) on the weekend of March 16th and 17th. The hours are Saturday (10AM – 6PM) and Sunday (1PM to 5PM). This is the same weekend as our normal meetings, so our meeting will be at the Tempe History Museum for March.

Here’s the flyer for the show:


February 2013 Meeting

We had 19 people at our February 16th, 2013 meeting.

We discussed the upcoming Tempe History Museum show which is now on March 16th (Sat 10AM – 6PM) & March 17th (Sun 1PM – 5PM). This is the same weekend as our meeting so our next month’s meeting will be at the Tempe History Museum.

We agreed to also do a display at Scottsdale’s “Little Red Schoolhouse” for September (and probably beyond). This is in Scottsdale’s old town area.

We also were planning out the comicon layout. Nate will send out layout ideas later.

And, we had the minifig scale (modified CC standard) contest. (see below)

Here’s the contest entries:

And the winner is Dave Shaddix’s gas station:

Dave Shaddix's winning contest entry
Dave Shaddix’s winning contest entry

Dave Shaddix's Winning contest entry (Interior)
Dave Shaddix’s Winning contest entry (Interior)