Lego Arizona theme contest – March 16, 2013

Rules for the March 2013 CactusBrick contest – Lego Arizona theme

Sponsored by:

Desert Bricks
Joshua Colson
Corey’s Bricks

1) Must be a new MOC (one that has not been shown before)
2) Must be something that screams ARIZONA (or at least well know)
3) It can be a building (any scale), a map (ok, that’s been done), a diorama, or
anything that Arizona is well know for. (please only politically correct items)
4) The MOC must be present at the Tempe History Museum show (Mar 16 & 17, 2013)
5) There is no limit on how many MOCs each person can submit
6) The submitter of the MOCs need not be present

Voting rules:
1) There will be 2 different votes with half of the prize going to each.
2) There will be a vote by Cactusbrick enthusiasts (all of us)
3) There will be a second vote by the public.
4) Each eligible voter has 1 vote
5) Cactusbrick enthusiasts (us) can not vote in the public vote.
6) The Cactusbrick vote will happen on Saturday afternoon and the winner will be
marked as “Club Favorite” unless someone else comes up with a better term.
7) The public vote will be collected all Saturday and early Sunday with the
final count happening at 3PM Sunday.

1) The cash prize for each of the 1st place winners will be at least $15.
2) The same MOC is eligible to win in both votes.
3) In the event of a tie, the money is split between the winners
4) Existing MOCs that have been shown are not eligible

We had 2 MOCs entered into the contest.

The winner is Joe’s A Mountain.

Tempe History Museum Show – March 16th and 17th

Next month we will have a show at the Tempe History Museum (809 E. Southern Ave., Tempe AZ) on the weekend of March 16th and 17th. The hours are Saturday (10AM – 6PM) and Sunday (1PM to 5PM). This is the same weekend as our normal meetings, so our meeting will be at the Tempe History Museum for March.

Here’s the flyer for the show:


February 2013 Meeting

We had 19 people at our February 16th, 2013 meeting.

We discussed the upcoming Tempe History Museum show which is now on March 16th (Sat 10AM – 6PM) & March 17th (Sun 1PM – 5PM). This is the same weekend as our meeting so our next month’s meeting will be at the Tempe History Museum.

We agreed to also do a display at Scottsdale’s “Little Red Schoolhouse” for September (and probably beyond). This is in Scottsdale’s old town area.

We also were planning out the comicon layout. Nate will send out layout ideas later.

And, we had the minifig scale (modified CC standard) contest. (see below)

Here’s the contest entries:

And the winner is Dave Shaddix’s gas station:

Dave Shaddix's winning contest entry
Dave Shaddix’s winning contest entry

Dave Shaddix's Winning contest entry (Interior)
Dave Shaddix’s Winning contest entry (Interior)

Minifig Scale City Layout Contest – Feb 16, 2013

Rules for the Feb 2013 CactusBrick contest – A Minifig Scale City Layout Module

Sponsored by:

Desert Bricks
Joshua Colson
Corey’s Bricks


  1. Must be a new MOC (one that has not been shown before)
  2. Must conform to the CactusBrick Modular Building Standard:
  3. The MOC must be present at the judging meeting (Feb 16, 2013)
  4. The MOC must be a minimum size of 32×32 but can be larger in multiples of 32
  5. Each person may submit up to 2 MOCs
  6. The submitter of the MOCs need not be present
  7. The cash price for 1st place will be $3 per participant with a minimum of $20.
    (If 8 people contribute buildings to the contest, the 1st place prize will be $24)
  8. The MOC does not have to be a building, but it must connect with our standard modules. (A park would be fine as long as it follows the standards on the sides of the module.)

Voting rules:

  1. Only people able to view all of MOCs are able to vote
  2. Each eligible voter has 1 vote


  1. In the event of a tie, the money is split between the winners

CactusBrick Minifig Scale Modular Building Standard

The CactusBrick minifig city layout standard is basically the Cafe Corner standard with 3 changes.

  1. The sidewalk is raised by 1 brick. So, the bottom is a baseplate with a brick on top of that and then tile on top to make the sidewalk.
  2. There are technic bricks in the front (under the sidewalk) at the 10th and 11th studs from each side. At minimum, this needs to be a “Technic, Brick 1 x 2 with Hole”, but it can be longer as long as the center hole exists.
  3. The sidewalk is 2 or 3 studs less deep. The road baseplate in front includes either 2 studs or 3 studs wide sidewalk. The edge is Dark Bluish Gray so the module should plan on being next to Dark Bluish Gray tile.

Based on the Cafe Corner standard, the sides (and the back) should also have the Technic Brick with Hole at the 10th and 11th stud location from both edges. The height of each floor of the building is recommended to be 9 or 10 bricks tall but the standard is flexible.

The standard size of each module is 32×32. A 16×32 (where the 16 is the width of the front) is possible, but there are not very many of these in the club so it would be wise to have 2 if you want 16×32 modules.


January 2013 Meeting

We had a record attendance of 21 people at our January 19th, 2013 meeting. Our club officers for 2013 are once again:

President: Nate
Secretary: Corey
Treasurer: Clark

We discussed the upcoming shows at Tempe History Museum (March 16th & 17th) and the Phx Comicon (Memorial day weekend).

We also had the micro city contest. Here’s some pictures from that as well as some pictures of other things people brought in:


The micro contest had a clear winner in the large module category and a tie in the small category. The winner in the large module category was made by Joe. The small module winners were GenYus and Clark. Here’s the winners:


December 2012 Meeting

We had 14 people attend our December 15th 2012 meeting. We were a bit distracted by the dirty brickster we planned for the meeting. However, we had a few things brought in:

The melted Lego was in the Arizona sun for a few weeks under plexiglass. The micro contest was also announced (see the post before this).

Micro City Contest – Jan 2013 Meeting

With the new year comes our first building contest, brought to you by our very own Corey Gehman.  Here are the details for the contest…


 Rules on the Micro City Contest – Cactusbrick – Jan 2013 Meeting

  1. Must be a MOC
  2. Must conform to TWINLUG Micro City Standard v1.1:
  3. The micro MOC must be present at the judging meeting (Jan 19, 2013)
  4. The micro MOC may be a single, double, or quad module.
  5. Each person may submit up to 2 MOCs
  6. The submitter of the MOCs need not be present
  7. If there are 8 or more MOCs submitted, there will be 2 categories  (Large – quad module, Small – single or double module)
  8. There will a cash prize of $20 for 1st place for each category.

Voting rules:

  1. Only people able to view all micro MOCs are able to vote
  2. Each eligible voter has 2 votes (maximum of 1 vote per micro MOC)
  3. Each eligible voter (& their significant other) cannot vote for their own micro MOC


  1. In the event of a tie, the money is split between the winners


  1. Existing buildings are eligible (Josh’s buildings)
  2. Corey’s Empire State and Chrysler buildings are not MOCs (not eligible)
  3. The organizer of this event is eligible for voting
  4. For the calculation of the cash prize, the organizer’s MOCs are ignored

Good luck!

Display at Tempe Historical Museum – Dec 2012

Here’s a few pictures of our display at the Tempe Historical Museum. It will be on display until Jan 5, 2013.

The museum is located at 809 E. Southern Avenue, Tempe, Arizona 85282.

(and thanks to the Lego stores in Chandler and Peoria for donating the display cases)

We also participated in the museum’s Dec 7th event, “A Night at the North Pole”. A wild guess on my part is about 200 people stopped by our tables during the 2 hour event. There were a lot of kids that were very excited about seeing something built other than sets. (And no, I don’t know how many pieces it took to build the big building.) Here’s a couple pictures from that event: